Animal Chiropractic Secondary Issues
Many of the secondary issues that Nerve Interference causes in humans can also be present in animals. Your animal may benefit from chiropractic if they exhibit some of the following secondary issues:- Arthritides
- Behavioral Changes
- Bowel/Bladder Incontinence
- Breathing Difficulties
- Digestive Disorders
- Disc Trauma
- Extended Confinement Issues
- Gait Abnormalities
- General Discomfort
- Hip Dysplasia
- Incontinence
- Injuries
- Limp Tail
- Movement Difficulty
- Muscle Soreness
- Postural Changes
- Seizures
- Skin Lesions
- Stiffness
- Pain
- Paralysis
- Performance Problems
- Posture Related Issues
- Reproductive Concerns
- Weakness
- Un-wellness